Tuesday 25 June 2013

commission4mission AGM and exhibition

St Paul's Church Goodmayes is hosting an Art Exhibition for commission4mission
Monday to Sunday ~ 1st to 7th July 2013. Open 10:00am to 4:00pm daily. Admission is free and Light Refreshments will be available.

The Art Exhibition will begin with a formal opening night including artist presentations, a talk on the work of John Piper by Mark Lewis and the Annual General Meeting for commission4mission on the evening of Monday 1st July 2013. Drinks and nibbles will be served from 6.30pm giving the opportunity ...to also view commission4mission's exhibition. From 7.30pm there will be several art talks - Harvey Bradley and Peter Webb speaking about aspects of their work and Mark Lewis on the work of John Piper - followed by commission4mission's AGM. All are welcome.

Artists exhibiting include: Ross Ashmore, Harvey Bradley, Anne Creasey, Michael Creasey, Valerie Dean, Elizabeth Duncan Meyer, Jonathan Evens, Mark Lewis, Danielle Lovesey, Caroline Richardson, Joy Rousell Stone, Henry Shelton and Peter Webb. Some of the exhibits will be for sale.
The last day of the exhibition will coincide with the 'Our Community Festival', an annual event co-ordinated by the London Borough of Redbridge. This will take place in Barley Lane Recreation Ground directly opposite the church and will run from 12 noon to 4:00pm on Sunday 7th July 2013.

St Paul's has been a generous patron of the arts through the generosity of the Parochial Church Council and many ad memoria by it's loyal and faithful membership throughout its history. The church is home for a large selection of stained glass, many from the original William Morris workshops at Walthamstow, now a museum.

 The Church is proud to own a set of contemporary 'Stations of the Crown of Thorns' a series of 14 individual pieces featuring a large Triptych. These were created by the local Goodmayes artist Henry Shelton the founding member of commission4mission. You can explore St Paul's permanent artworks by going to http://www.stpaulsgoodmayes.org.uk/the-artworks-of-st-pauls/.

For details on how to find the Church, please see http://www.stpaulsgoodmayes.org.uk/how-to-contact-us/location/.

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